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*All workshops are non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash or any products.


Sowtale 有權拒絕任何購買或終止任何被發現以不可接受方式的對待。

*Sowtale has the right to reject any purchase or to terminate any offer that has been found in any way unacceptable.



*In case of any reasons for not attending the make-up session, we cannot rearrange further session nor refund to you.



*The price includes ceramic clay, glazes and firing fee.



*Each participant can make one piece of work per session.



*Please book the workshop via our booking system on this website.



*The booked workshop valid for one time use only, you can purchase more if needed.



*In case of any reasons for not attending the workshop session, we cannot rearrange further session nor refund to you.



*We will be responsible for the two firings and glazing for your work.


我們的釉藥測試僅供參考。 在燒製過程中,釉藥可能因批次而異,我們並無法保證每次燒成後的釉藥效果。

*Our glaze test tiles are for references only. During the firings, glazes might vary from batch to batch. We cannot guarantee the glaze effect after each firing.


有時候,陶土在燒製過程中可能會自然破裂或出現裂縫,也有可能會出現形狀變形,這些都是自然現象,我們不能並保證完美的成品。 雖然我們在整個過程中力求為您呈現一件完美的作品,但如果您對最終的作品不滿意,抱歉我們將不予退款或進一步重新安排。

*Sometimes it is natural that the clay might break or have cracks during the firings. There might be deformed of shape during the firings, which is also a natural phenomenon. We cannot guarantee a perfect finished work. Though we strive to present a perfect work for you throughout the process, however there would not be any refund or further rearrangement if you are not happy about the final work.


所有燒製和相關工作會在工作坊結束後約 4 週完成。 您可以到我們工作室領取您的作品,我們也可以安排順豐出貨給您,運費將由收貨人支付。

*All firing and handling work take around 4 weeks after the workshop. You can pick up your work at our studio or we can arrange shipment from SF to you, the shipment fee shall be paid by consignee.


*請在收到我們通知後3週內安排取件。 如有任何逾期,我們保留處理您作品的權利。

*Please arrange the pick-up of your work within 3 weeks after our notification. We retain the right to dispose your work if there are any overdues.



*All workshops are non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash or any products.


Sowtale 有權拒絕任何購買或終止任何被發現以不可接受方式的對待。

*Sowtale has the right to reject any purchase or to terminate any offer that has been found in any way unacceptable.


*價格已包含陶土、釉料和燒製費。 特殊釉料和陶土可能會有額外費用,請向我們的工作人員索取更多資訊。

*The price includes ceramic clay, glazes and firing fee. There might be additional charge on special glazes and clays, please require more information from our staffs.


10 節課程的有效期為 12 週,但這不包括我們工作室不可用的日期。 參與者須透過本網站管理其預訂,我們無法管理每位參與者的工作坊時間。

*The 10-session package valid for 12 weeks only, excluding the unavailable dates of our studio. Participant shall manage their booking through this website themselves, we cannot manage every participant’s workshop sessions.


如果您因緊急情況而無法參加工作坊,請於參與工作坊開始時間至少 48 小時前在我們的網站上更改您的研習預訂。 對於無故缺席、取消或遲到的情況,我們將不予退款或進行任何形式的重新安排。

*In case of any urgencies that you cannot attend the workshops, please change your workshop booking at least 48 hours before the workshop starting time on our website. There will be no refund or any forms of rearrangement for no show, cancellation or late show up.



*We will be responsible for all the firings but participants are responsible for the glazing processes.


*我們的釉藥測試僅供參考。 在燒製過程中,釉藥可能因批次而異,我們並無法保證每次燒成後的釉藥效果。

*Our glaze test tiles are for references only. During the firings, glazes might vary from batch to batch. We cannot guarantee the glaze effect after each firing.


有時候,陶土在燒製過程中可能會自然破裂或出現裂縫,也有可能會出現形狀變形,這些都是自然現象,我們不能並保證完美的成品。 雖然我們在整個過程中力求為您呈現一件完美的作品,但如果您對最終的作品不滿意,抱歉我們將不予退款或進一步重新安排。

*Sometimes it is natural that the clay might break or have cracks during the firings. There might be deformed of shape during the firings, which is also a natural phenomenon. We cannot guarantee a perfect finished work. Though we strive to present a perfect work for you throughout the process, however there would not be any refund or further rearrangement if you are not happy about the final work.


*如果您希望終止恆常工作坊,請在我們通知完成燒製所有您的作品後 4 週內安排取件。 如有任何逾期,我們保留處理您作品的權利。

*If you wish to terminate the package, please arrange the pick-up of your work within 4 weeks after our notification. We retain the right to dispose your work if there are any overdues.

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